The doctrine of positional truth [“in Christ”]


            1. The mechanics of positional truth are found in Acts 1:5; 1 Corinthians 12:13 [mechanics]; Ephesians 4:5 [principle]. In other words, at the point of salvation every believer receives 36 things. Five of these are directly accomplished by God the Holy Spirit, one of which is the baptism of the Spirit whereby He takes us an enters us into union with Jesus Christ.

            2. Positional truth belongs to the carnal as well as the spiritual believer, to the supergrace believer and the reversionist — 1 Corinthians 1:2, 30.

            3. Positional truth protects the believer from divine judgement in eternity. Being in union with Christ means that we share His life [eternal], His righteousness [+R, which means it is impossible for us to be judged at the great white throne], His sonship, His heirship, His priesthood, His election, His destiny, His kingship. Romans 8:1.

            4. Positional sanctification qualifies the believer to live with God forever. If you are going to live with God forever there are certain things you must have: eternal life, +R — 1 John 5:11,12; 2 Corinthians 5:21. The believer enters into union with Christ, he shares the life of Christ, the righteousness of Christ, therefore he is qualified to live with God forever, he has the same kind of life that God has, the same kind of righteousness that God has.

            5. Positional truth explains both election and predestination. The principle is that in eternity past Jesus Christ was elected by God the Father, so Christ is elected. In electing Christ He also gave Him a destiny. When we enter into union with Christ we share the election of Christ, we share the destiny of Christ; therefore we are pre designed, foreordained by virtue of union with Christ. Remember that Christianity is a relationship: union with Christ, not a religion.

            6. Positional truth produces a new creature in Christ — 2 Corinthians 5:17.

            7. Positional truth guarantees the eternal security of the believer — Romans 8:38,39.

            8. Positional truth exists in two categories: retroactive and current. When Jesus Christ died on the cross the sins of the old sin nature were poured out on Him and judged, human good was rejected. When we accept Christ as saviour we enter into union with Christ as He is seated at the right hand of the Father. But we also enter into union with Christ as He was upon the cross. We are identified with Christ in His death, we are identified with Christ in His resurrection and ascension. Retroactive positional truth is identification with Christ in His death — Romans 6; Colossians 2:12; 3:3. Current positional truth is identification with Christ in His resurrection.

            9. The implications of current positional truth. They all have to do with the fact that we share what Christ has. Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, we share everything that Christ has and is.

                        a) Christ is eternal life — 1 John 5:11,12.

                        b) Christ is absolute righteousness — 2 Corinthians 5:21.

                        c) Christ is elected, we share His election — Ephesians 1:4.

                        d) Christ has a destiny, we share His destiny — Ephesians 1:5.

                        e) Christ is the Son, we are in union with Christ, we share His sonship — 2 Timothy 2:1.

                        f) Christ is the heir, we share His heirship — Romans 8:16,17.

                        g) Christ is sanctified, we share His sanctification — 1 Corinthians 1:2.

                        h) Christ is a King, we share His kingdom — 2 Peter 1:11.

                        i) Christ is a high priest, we share His priesthood —Hebrews 10:10-14.

            10. The characteristics of positional truth.

                        a) It is not an experience, it is neither emotional nor ecstatics.

                        b) It is not progressive, it cannot be improved in time or eternity.

                        c) It is not related to human merit or human good. Grace escalates divine good and excludes human good.

                        d) Positional truth is eternal in nature, it will last forever.

                        e) Positional truth is known only to the Word of God.

                        f) Positional truth is obtained en toto at the moment of salvation. It is accomplished by means of the baptism of the Spirit, one of the 36 things we receive at the point of salvation.